Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

In recent years, ozone pollution has become a difficult problem affecting the improvement of atmospheric environment quality. As one of the main precursors of ozone formation, VOCs pollution control is an important topic for the "14th Five-Year Plan" PM2.5 and ozone collaborative control. Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

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In recent years, ozone pollution has become a difficult problem affecting the improvement of atmospheric environment quality. As one of the main precursors of ozone formation, VOCs pollution control is an important topic for the "14th Five-Year Plan" PM2.5 and ozone collaborative control. Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

Although VOCs governance technology continues to develop, there are still some technical bottlenecks. At present, common VOCs treatment technologies include adsorption, absorption, condensation, combustion, etc., but each technology has its scope of application and limitations. For example, the adsorption method is suitable for the treatment of low concentration VOCs, but the adsorbent needs to be replaced regularly; Combustion law requires high temperature and high pressure conditions, and it is easy to produce secondary pollution. Therefore, choosing the right governance technology is also a big problem. VOCs governance also faces regulatory and cost challenges. Due to the large number of VOCs emission sources, supervision is more difficult and prone to regulatory loopholes. At the same time, VOCs governance requires a lot of capital and human costs, which may be unbearable for some small enterprises. This also restricts the promotion and application of VOCs governance.

Some local and enterprise related personnel lack professional governance knowledge, governance ability is weak. The characteristics of pollution discharge, pollution production links and treatment effects of enterprises are not clear, and the ability to find, identify and solve problems is lacking. Some enterprise hardware facilities have gone up, but the technical force has not kept up, and the construction of management facilities, such as the process type, processing capacity, operating time, operating parameters, consumables or pharmaceutical replacement, are not understood, not mastered, and not clear.

As a result, the operation of the management facilities is not standardized, the periodic maintenance is not in place, and the input is not proportional to the output. There are also some enterprises lack of understanding of environmental pollution problems, there are not understand the problem, there are no intentions, not careful problems, resulting in small problems cause big pollution, directly affecting the governance effect.







Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

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Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

In recent years, ozone pollution has become a difficult problem affecting the improvement of atmospheric environment quality. As one of the main precursors of ozone formation, VOCs pollution control is an important topic for the "14th Five-Year Plan" PM2.5 and ozone collaborative control. Where is the difficulty of VOCs pollution control?

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