Composition and characteristics of cable membrane structure

With the development of society, more and more cable membrane structures appear.

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With the development of society, more and more cable membrane structures appear. A complete cable membrane structure is generally composed of three parts: membrane material, cable structure and support structure. Exhibition hebei environment xiaobian tell you?

The design process of cable and membrane architecture is the integration of building function, coordination of internal and external environment, shape finding and structural force transmission system analysis, material selection and cutting. With the help of computer graphics and multimedia technology for overall planning and scheme design, and then with the structural shape finding, system internal force analysis and cutting software, complete cable and membrane blanking and parts of the processing drawings.

Cable membrane structure is a space structure form of stable surface formed by high strength flexible thin film materials subjected to tension and compression of other materials and able to withstand certain external loads. Because the cable membrane structure has the advantages of light weight, changeable shape, quick installation, energy saving, environmental protection and safe use, it can be widely used.

Because cable membrane structure is the overall structure is very simple, support structure, cable structure as well as flexible and tie-in combination of the membrane material, breaking the traditional is given priority to with straight line of building structure form, can create all kinds of beautiful rich period flavor surface modeling, especially at night with lights are more likely to form a fantastic landscape effect, overall cable membrane structure architecture appearance has a stronger sense of art.







Composition and characteristics of cable membrane structure

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