Do you understand? What are the advantages of aerated membrane coal shed?

The importance of environmental protection has accelerated the understanding of the air film.

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The importance of environmental protection has accelerated the understanding of the air film. The air film building solves the environmental pollution to a certain extent. For example, compared with the traditional coal yard, the air film coal yard solves the problems of dust and rain erosion. What are the advantages of the inflatable film coal shed? Zhanji membrane structure company introduces to you!

1. High safety. The gas film coal shed is equipped with an intelligent ventilation system, which can ensure ventilation in the warehouse and will not cause spontaneous combustion due to high temperature. At the same time, it will not cause explosion risk due to high dust concentration.

2. Low comprehensive cost. The aerated membrane coal shed is a cable membrane structure with low comprehensive cost, which can be moved at any time and used repeatedly.

3. Convenience. The aerated membrane coal shed is equipped with an inlet and an outlet, so that vehicles can work in and out, and the construction is convenient

4. Environmental protection. The inflatable membrane structure has light self weight and is suitable for large-span buildings without beam column support in the middle, which greatly reduces the foundation cost. Compared with the traditional steel frame structure, the comprehensive cost will save 35% and 55% of the construction investment. The construction of coal shed with aerated membrane structure will not produce construction waste and has excellent environmental protection.







Do you understand? What are the advantages of aerated membrane coal shed?

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