What Is The Difference Between The Gas Film Intelligent Warehouse And The Traditional Concrete Warehouse?

With the development of the Internet era, people are buying more and more goods. Basically, each manufacturer will have its own warehouse for storing goods.

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With the development of the Internet era, people are buying more and more goods. Basically, each manufacturer will have its own warehouse for storing goods. In recent years, my country's warehousing industry has also developed very rapidly, and the construction of warehouses has also increased. At present, the gas film intelligent warehouse is very popular, so how is it different from the traditional concrete warehouse? The following editor will describe the differences between them from four aspects:

1. Different construction period

The construction speed of the gas film structure is very fast, because all the pre-processes are completed in the factory, and only need to be installed on site. Can meet the needs of manufacturers to build warehouses.

2. The cost is different

Compared with the concrete warehouse, the gas film intelligent warehouse can reduce the cost by 20%-30%, and the gas film warehouse is more safe and durable.

3. Different structure weight

The gas-film building itself has the characteristics of light weight, without the use of structures and beams inside, which makes the interior have a large space. Large equipment can be installed easily, and giant shelves are efficiently arranged, which is obviously superior to other structural buildings.

4. Different environmental protection

After the air film intelligent warehouse is transported to the construction site, the components only need to be spliced and installed. There is no water operation throughout the process, and there will be no sand and large dust problems, which can reduce the environmental pollution and the impact on the lives of nearby residents. The concrete structure warehouse cannot do this. Moreover, the membrane material can be recycled and reused without causing waste of resources.

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What Is The Difference Between The Gas Film Intelligent Warehouse And The Traditional Concrete Warehouse?

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